Egons Rusanovs
Sworn Advocate
«Rusanovs & Partneri» zvērinātu advokātu birojs SIA («Rusanovs & Partneri» office of sworn advocates LLC), since 2007
Office of Sworn Advocates «Rusanovs, Rode, Bušs», 2000–2007
The office of sworn advocate Egons Rusanovs, 1992–2000
Office of Sworn Advocates «Latinlegis», 1991–1992
Lawyer in several enterprises, 1989–1991
Latvian SSR Prosecutor’s office, 1982–1989
Author / co-author of the book
«Herberta Pakera divu kriminālprocesa modeļu doktrīna», 2021
(«Herbert Packer’s doctrine of two models of the criminal process»)
«Jautājuma «… a, kad Jūs labāk atcerējāties?» analīze », 2021
(Analysis of the question «… ehm, when did you remember better?»)
«Versija par profesora Paula Minca dzīvi un viņa ekstraordināro krimināljustīciju», 2021
(«Version about Professor Paul Mintz’s life and his extraordinary criminal justice»)
«Konservatīvisms Rodžera Skrūtona izpratnē», 2021
(«Conservatism from the perspective of Roger Scruton»)
«Strasbūras tiesu prakse apcietinājuma piemērošanā», 2005
(«Strasbourg court case-law on detention»)
«Operatīvajās darbībās iegūto pierādījumu izmantošana», 2003.
(«Use of evidence obtained during investigatory operations»)
Third class Medal of Honour of Judicial system, 2018
Doctoral studies (University of Latvia, Faculty of Law, 2013–2019)
Master of Jurisprudence (University of Latvia, Faculty of Law, 1995–1997)
Highest degree in Law (University of Latvia, Faculty of Law, 1979–1984)
Professional qualification development programme in the field of children’s right protection (The Local Governments Training centre of Latvia, 2019)
The Latvian Collegium of Sworn Advocates (www.advokatura.lv), since 1991
- Latvian
- Russian
- German